Tuesday 9 February 2016



Definition of refrigeration

The term ‘refrigeration’ in a broad sense is used for the process of removing heat (i.e.cooling) from a substance. 

"Minimize & Maintain Temperature of Storage Space below Atmospheric Temperature"

 For example, if some space (say in cold storage) is to be kept at -2 ºC, we must continuously extract heat which flows into it due to leakage through the walls and also the heat, which is brought into it with the articles stored after the temperature is one reduced to -2 ºC.  Thus in a refrigerator, heat is virtually being pumped from a lower temperature to a higher  temperature.  According to second law of thermodynamics, this process can only be  performed  with the aid of some external work. It is thus obvious, that supply of power  (say electrical motor) is regularly required to drive a refrigerator. Theoretically, the refrigerator is a reversed heat engine, or a heat pump which pumps heat from cold body and delivers to a hot body. The substance which works in a heat pump to extract heat from a cold body and to deliver it to a hot body is called refrigerant.

      When  people  hear  the  word  refrigeration  they  immediately  think  of  the refrigerator in their kitchen. However there are actually quite a few different kinds of refrigeration out three and they each have their own methods  of functioning.  One particular type of refrigeration is industrial refrigeration. This type of refrigeration is typically used for cold storage, food processing, and chemical processing.
     The equipment is very large and made of industrial stainless steel. Industrial refrigeration, which frequently useammonia refrigeration to maintain temperature, inecessary for computer, foodstuffs, blood, vaccines, and quite a few other goods that must maintain a constant and steady temperature at all times. Temperatures that are too high or  too  low may spoil  certain  goods  or ruin them.  As a result industrial refrigeration is  especially  important   maintaining  temperature   is  as  well.  Since temperature  is so important  into  industrial  refrigeration  companies  offering  this service  must   pay  attention   at  all  times   to  the   temperature   of  the  industrial refrigerators.

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